Responsible Conduct of Research Training

The UNE Responsible Conduct of Research Training program enables ongoing learning and professional development in the responsible conduct of research and scholarly activity at the university.

Program Goals

  • Foster and support a culture of integrity in research and scholarly activities at the University of New England among faculty, professional staff, and students.
  • Raise awareness and understanding among the UNE community regarding the ethical and responsible conduct of research and scholarly activity.
  • Create resource base of information and mentors to support the educational and professional development of students, faculty, and professional staff in the ethical conduct of research and scholarly activity.


  • Animal Care and Use
  • Protection of Human Research Participants
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Intellectual Property
  • Data Management
  • Export Controls
  • Foreign Influence
  • Rigor and Reproducibility
  • Authorship and Affiliation
  • Controlled Substances
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
  • Misconduct in Research and Scholarly Activity


UNE Research Support Resources

If your work involves any of the following categories, you may need approval or to contact an office prior to use.

If your work involves You need approval from Contact
DEA Controlled Substances Environmental and Health Safety Environmental Health and Safety
Export Controls; Sensitive Technology; Foreign Collaborations (including visiting scholars); International Travel; Non-Disclosure or Material Transfer Agreements for Incoming/Outgoing Research Information or Materials Office of Sponsored Programs Office of Sponsored Programs
Intellectual Property, Corporate Relations, Financial Interests Office of Sponsored Programs Office of Sponsored Programs
Ionizing Radiation, Lasers, Magnetic Resonance, Imaging Devices, Radioactive materials (including Sealed Resources, or X-Ray Machines University-Wide Radiation Safety (UWSC) Environmental Health and Safety
Hazardous Chemicals or Regulated Wastes Environmental and Health Safety Environmental Health and Safety
Human Subjects Institutional Review Board (IRB) Office of Research Integrity
Protected Health Information HIPAA Officer HIPAA Officer
Research Misconduct Research Integrity Officer (RIO) RIO
Vertebrate Animals Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) Office of Research Integrity



The Ethics of AI in the Class Room and the Lab

2:30 pm
Biddeford Campus, Online
Thomas M. Powers, PhD Director, Center for Science, Ethics & Public Policy Associate Professor Department of Philosophy and Biden School of Public Policy & Administration University of Delaware


Karen Houseknecht, B.S., M.S., Ph.D.

Research Integrity Officer 
Professor and Associate Provost for Research and Scholarship
(207) 602-2872