
的 mission of the 组织学和影像学核心 is to provide 疼痛研究中心 investigators 和 the greater UNE research community access to expertise, Training, 以及与组织处理相关的专业仪器, 切片, 染色, 免疫组织化学, 和显微镜.

此外,Core还提供 ServiceTraining related to image analysis 和 image analysis software to guide investigators in choosing the best methods for presenting their data. 我们还为外部设施提供工作场所 Service收费的基础.

的se images represent work completed by 组织学和影像学核心 professional staff. All samples were processed on core equipment, 和 images captured on core microscopes. 画廊包含各种各样的组织类型, 包括神经组织, 骨, 海带, 还有果蝇幼虫.


的 组织学和影像学核心 is fully equipped to perform a wide range of histological processing to suit investigators’ needs.


UNE COBRE组织学和影像学核心费用结构

Service 单位 内部费用 外部学术费用 对外商业费用
杂项劳动、Training 每小时 $41 $63 $126
脱钙,EDTA或甲酸 每个样品,周 $3.62 $4.92 $9.85
石蜡加工,标准 每一盒 $2.24 $2.89 $5.78
石蜡加工,mega 每一盒 $2.80 $3.45 $6.91
嵌入、石蜡 每一块 $2.18 $3.20 $6.41
嵌入、冷冻 每一块 $3.75 $4.90 $9.81
石蜡切片,常规 每张幻灯片 $1.89 $2.76 $5.52
石蜡切片,切片 每张幻灯片 $2.44 $3.59 $7.18
冷冻切片,每张片子最多3个切片 每张幻灯片 $2.36 $3.13 $6.26
冷冻切片,每张幻灯片3或更多切片 每张幻灯片 $3.80 $5.33 $10.67
H&E染色,手工 每张幻灯片 $2.44 $3.26 $6.51
特殊染色,Tier 1 (TB, Picrosirius, PAS, Mucicarmine) 每张幻灯片 $3.13 $4.42 $8.84
Special Staining, Tier 2 (Masson's Trichrome, Safranin O/Fast Green) 每张幻灯片 $4.65 $6.53 $13.06
免疫组化/免疫组化,石蜡(用户自备一抗) 每张幻灯片 $7.67 $10.64 $21.27
IHC/I,F Frozen(用户自备一抗) 每张幻灯片 $6.08 $8.45 $16.91


组织学和成像核心是完全集成与 UNE的行为核心 和 can directly process samples collected by the 行为的核心.


的 Core also provides Training to professional staff 和 students on equipment 和 techniques. 

的 core has cryostats, microtomes, 和 microscopes available for reservation. 避免计划冲突和维护问题, 必须使用Outlook日历保留所有设备, 个人用户必须由核心工作人员进行Training.

的 Leica confocal has a separate Training procedure consisting of two 2-hour supervised sessions, 几个信息视频, 还有一个在线测试. 的 first Training session is an introduction to the microscope guided by core staff. 的 second session entails imaging of a user-generated sample with minimal intervention from Core staff. Upon completion of a proficiency quiz, users can reserve time as desired.

任何Training咨询,请发邮件给彼得Caradonna pcaradonna@ourbabyplace.com.


UNE徽章计划 is a non-credit bearing vehicle that digitally validates 和 documents knowledge, 技能, 资格, 和能力. 对所有学习者开放, any participant who completes the learning activities 和 demonstrates achievement of the learning outcomes/competencies for a badge would be able to claim it. 与研究生院、潜在雇主等分享徽章., is a great way to demonstrate some of the skills 和能力 you have acquired that are not captured in an academic transcript.

For interested students, the core is now part of the UNE徽章计划. 学生 will gain a knowledge-base 和 skillsets relevant to the core specialty.


Assistance is available for help to cover the fees for work performed by the research cores.


A close-up image of h和s working using tools on bacteria in a petri dish
Two U N E students 和 a professor review research data on a computer


Karamchedu NP, Fleming BC, Proffen BL, Sant NJ, Portilla G, Parola LR, Molino J, Murray MM. Terminal sterilization influences the efficacy of an extracellular matrix-blood composite for treating posttraumatic osteoarthritis in the rat model. J骨科. 2022年3月,40 (3):573 - 583. 

Eaton VE, Pettit S, Elkinson A, Houseknecht KL, 王TE, May M. 小鼠卵巢切除术后多微生物性脓肿. BMC兽医中心. 2019 10月24日;15(1):364.

Sannajust S, Imbert I, Eaton V, Henderson T, Liaw L, May M, Barbe MF, 王T. Females have greater susceptibility to develop ongoing pain 和 central sensitization in a rat model of temporom和ibular joint pain. 疼痛. 2019年9月,160 (9):2036 - 2049. 

葛尔斯维克K,福兰斯比T,甘特G. Bone Morphogenetic Protein Glass Bottom Boat (BMP5/6/7/8) 和 its receptor Wishful Thinking (BMPRII) are required for injury-induced allodynia in Drosophila. 分子的痛苦. Jan-Dec 14:1744806918802703 2018;.

Sherman H, Gitschier HJ, Rossi AE. A Novel Three-Dimensional Immune Oncology Model for High-Throughput Testing of Tumoricidal Activity. 前面. Immunol.2018年4月23日.

郝维林J,英伯特I,科米尔J,艾伦J,波雷卡F,金T. Central Sensitization 和 Neuropathic Features of Ongoing 疼痛 in a Rat Model of Advanced Osteoarthritis. J疼痛. 2016年3月,17 (3):374 - 82.

一个交易, 埃里克森K, 突然的年代, 缅甸人米, Limbic system development underlies the emergence of classical fear conditioning during the 3rd 和 4th weeks of life in the rat. 行为神经科学. Behav >. 2016年4月,130 (2):212 - 30.

华纳E, Krivitsky R, 锥K, 阿瑟顿P, Pitre T, Lanpher J, Giuvelis G, Bergquist我, 王T, Bilsky E, 史蒂文森G. Evaluation of a Postoperative 疼痛-Like State n Motivated Behavior in Rats: Effects of Plantar Incision on Progressive-Ratio Food-Maintained Responding. 药物开发研究. Dec 2015; 76(8):432–441.

缅甸M,比尔斯基E. FAAH inhibitor OL-135 disrupts contextual, but not auditory, fear conditioning in rats. 行为与大脑. 2016年7月15日;308:1-5.

孟门MA,西蒙斯CA,休斯M,雷L. Developing 和 validating trace fear conditioning protocols in C57BL/6 mice. J神经科学方法. 2014 Jan 30;222:111-7. 

刘建军,曹磊. Morphine increases hippocampal viral load 和 suppresses frontal lobe CCL5 expression in the LP-BM5 AIDS model. J Neuroimmunol. 2014年4月15日;269(1-2):44-51.

Please remember to acknowledge the 疼痛研究中心 组织学和影像学核心 和 the financial support provided by the NIGMS grant number P20GM103643 in manuscripts, 奖助金, 还有包括我们工作成果的演讲.




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组织学 & 成像核心管理器
Professor of Biology, 文理学院, School of Biological 科学s