

You must file a Graduation Application via U-在线. 登录后, select Student Services > Student 记录 > 应用 to Graduate, and then follow the on-screen instructions. You will only be permitted to file a Graduation Application online once. 编辑您的应用程序(例如.g. address changes, name changes, etc.),需要电邮至 degreeaudit@ourbabyplace.com 有了新的信息.

What is the deadline for filing an Application to Graduate?
6月30日本科生最后一天, 研究生, 专业学生提交毕业申请,毕业日期为8月31日.
9月30日本科生最后一天, 研究生, 专业学生提交毕业申请,毕业日期为12月31日.
1月30日本科生最后一天, 研究生, 和专业学生提交毕业申请在五月开始和毕业日期.
2024年5月18日Official graduation date and University Commencement Ceremony
Which graduation date should I select when filing my Application to Graduate?

The University has three possible graduation dates each year. 你应该选择你预计完成所有学位要求的日期. 参见下面的指导方针. 请注意:每年只有一次毕业典礼,而且是在五月. The August and December graduation dates are date only, no ceremony. All coursework must be complete and graded by the graduation date.

  • Choose “May” if you will finish your final classes in the Spring semester. 你的毕业证书上的毕业日期将与五月的毕业典礼日期相对应.
  • 如果您将在夏季课程的任何时间完成您的最后课程,请选择“八月”. The graduation date on your diploma will be 8月31日.
  • Choose “December” if you will finish your final classes in the Fall semester. The graduation date on your diploma will be 12月31日.
请电子邮件 degreeaudit@ourbabyplace.com 寻求帮助.

登录U-在线, select Student Services, then Student 记录, and then 应用 to Graduate. 在屏幕底部, select View Graduation Applications. 

How will I know that I have 研究生d?

如果你提交了毕业申请,但发现你没有达到所有学位要求, you will be notified in writing approximately two weeks after graduation. 这封信将被发送到你在提交毕业申请时提供的文凭邮寄地址. Otherwise, your diploma will be mailed six to eight weeks after graduation. 您也可以通过U-在线查看您的非官方成绩单,该成绩单将反映您的毕业状态. 如果你在毕业后八周内没有收到正规澳门赌场网络的来信或你的文凭, please contact the 注册商's Office at (207) 602-2138.



你需要重新提交毕业申请,更新毕业日期,达到学位要求. There is no special fee associated with re-filing a Graduation Application; 然而, graduation application deadlines still apply.

I'm taking a travel course/semester abroad in my final term here at UNE, will this affect my ability to 研究生?

If the travel portion of the course takes place after the graduation date, 这门课程的最终成绩将无法及时公布给你颁发学位. 获得足够学分的高年级学生, 包括这门课, may participate in the May commencement ceremony, 如果符合条件, will have 荣誉 called without consideration of this course. Degrees will be conferred for the 8月31日 graduation date.


 e-diploma: The week following degree conferral, you will receive an email from 羊皮纸.com 听你的.Edu的电子邮件地址,通知你的电子文凭已经准备好领取了. To claim the e-diploma, you will need to 创建一个羊皮纸账户 (if one has not already been created) and review your mailing address within 72 hours; otherwise, it will be mailed to the address listed on your graduation application.

You can print or download a copy of the e-diploma.

Paper diploma: 羊皮纸 will print and package diplomas for mailing.You will receive an email from 羊皮纸 听你的.edu email address alerting you that the printed diploma has been mailed. Delivery will take 3–4 weeks following conferral.

有几个原因可能会导致你没有拿到毕业证书, an inaccurate diploma mailing address, or a problem with your graduation status.

如果您在学位授予后四周内未收到纸质文凭,请发送电子邮件 degreeaudit@ourbabyplace.com.

How does my name appear on my diploma?

当你在毕业申请表上填写毕业证书时,你的名字就会出现在证书上. When you file your Graduation Application via U-在线, your name and degree information from your student record will be displayed. If you would like a different name to appear on your diploma, 你可以在毕业申请表上更改你的名和中间名,而不会影响你的永久学生记录.

你的姓氏不能通过毕业申请更改,因为它必须与我们为你存档的名字相匹配. 为了改变你的姓氏, you need to complete a Change of Name form and submit it, along with all appropriate documentation, 注册官办公室. Once this process is complete your name will be updated.

Diploma names will be displayed as First Name, 中间名/首字母(如果需要), 姓, 和后缀(如适用). The titles and degrees will not be displayed on the diploma.

What if I do not receive my diploma?

有几个原因可能会导致你没有拿到你的文凭,包括你的账户被冻结, an inaccurate diploma mailing address, or a problem with your graduation status.

您可以查看是否有保留(登录U-在线, select Student Services, then Student 记录, and then 应用 to Graduate. 在屏幕底部, 选择View hold并通过您的非官方成绩单查看您的学位授予状态. 如果你的账户上有一个学生账户,请联系学生金融服务 sfs@ourbabyplace.com 讨论付款方案的选择. 根据缅因州法律(标题20-A§10015),在学生余额付清之前,不会发放文凭。. 一旦你在大学的余额已经结算,请联系注册办公室 degreeaudit@ourbabyplace.com to confirm that your diploma is ready to be released.

Please contact the 注册商’s office at 207-602-2138 or degreeaudit@ourbabyplace.com if you have not received your diploma within four weeks after graduation.


如果你在春季学期结束前完成两门课程(通常为6-8学分), 你必须提交五月份的申请,这样你才会被邀请参加毕业典礼.

这个申请将在毕业后过期,你需要重新提交毕业申请,更新毕业日期,达到学位要求. There is no special fee associated with re-filing a Graduation Application, 然而, graduation filing deadlines still apply.

If I lose my diploma can I get a new one?

Requests must be made in writing using the 补领文凭表格(PDF). The form can be mailed to: UNE Office of the 注册商, Decary Hall 114, 山滩道11号, Biddeford, 或传真(207)602-5927.


更换本科和硕士学位证书的费用为25美元,更换博士学位证书的费用为100美元. 一旦您的要求被收到,文凭将在大约四到六周内寄出.


University Latin 荣誉 are only awarded at the under研究生 level. 只有完成所有学位要求的学生才能在毕业典礼上获得荣誉.

Are there a minimum number of credits needed for graduation honors?

是的, 获得学士学位课程的毕业荣誉需要在正规澳门赌场网络获得30个学分的字母等级(不是“TR”或“P”等级),获得副学士学位需要20个等级学分.


Associate, Bachelor, and Master/CAGS diplomas are 8.5” x 11.“博士文凭是14英寸× 18英寸.”


是的, honors will appear on under研究生 diplomas.




No. Minors appear on your official transcript only.

我有两个专业. 我会得到两个文凭吗?

No. Both of your majors will be listed on one diploma. Only students completing dual degrees will receive two separate diplomas.

Where do I go to find out more details about commencement?