
The 缅因州AHEC网络 aims to alleviate significant healthcare workforce shortages in our communities through the delivery of health career exploration programs that support Maine youth on their path to a health profession.

Engaging students through pipeline activities — particularly students from rural communities — is critical since growing up in a rural area is a strong predictor of future rural practice. To increase the diversity of the healthcare workforce, youth programs also focus on supporting youth from populations that are under-represented in the health field.



每年, UNE hosts a free health career exploration camp for high school students from rural or underserved communities to participate in hands-on activities to learn about careers in health care. In addition, they learn about the college admissions process. The next summer camp will take place June 22–24.

During the camp, students learn about careers in 口腔卫生, 口腔医学, 整骨疗法的医学, 神经科学, neurodevelopmental and related disabilities treatment, 护理, 职业治疗, 药店, 物理治疗, 医师助理, 公共卫生.

The camp is overnight, designed to replicate some of the college experience. 学生将留在宿舍 正规澳门赌场网络比德福德校区 在食堂吃饭. 学生 who live locally have the option of attending the day camp activities only. Camp coordinators and chaperones will stay with the students while the camp is in session. Transportation between the Portland and Biddeford campuses will be provided during the camp.


There is no cost for accepted students to attend this camp, which is funded by the University of New England, 缅因州AHEC网络, 缅因州财政管理局, 缅因州健康获取基金会, the 健康 Resources and Services Administration.


Applications are accepted from students throughout the U.S. who will be entering grades 10–12 in the fall of 2024.
Maine students from rural and underrepresented communities, those who have more limited access to such opportunities, 会优先考虑吗.
申请夏令营, complete the online registration form by May 3, 2024. Application decisions will be sent via email by May 17, 2024. For questions contact Nina Brinker at nbrinker@ourbabyplace.com.

Strengthening our 健康care Workforce: Empowering New Mainer Youth to Explore and Pursue 健康 Careers

Strengthening our 健康care Workforce: Empowering New Mainer Youth to Explore and Pursue 健康 Careers delivers health career exploration learning activities, 职业规划支持, leadership skill-building to facilitate entry into the health professions for New Mainer youth from immigrant families in Cumberland and Androscoggin counties, with an aim to increase equity and diversity in the health care workforce, 并最终, 改善健康结果.

There are five primary components of the project

  1. Learning opportunities for students to gain exposure to health careers and to receive mentorship
  2. Support for student internship opportunities in the health field
  3. College preparation and career planning sessions for youth and their families
  4. Leadership and civic engagement learning opportunities
  5. Ongoing support for youth and their families

来自 AHEC学者计划 participate in the delivery of learning activities for this project.

The project is made possible due to 缅因州AHEC网络 and its community partners at Maine Access Immigrant Network and the New Mainers Public 健康 Initiative being awarded a two-year Community Responsive Grant from 缅因州健康获取基金会. This grant allows 缅因州AHEC网络 and its partners to build on a project that was funded over the past five years by the federal Office of Minority 健康.


For more information or questions about any of our 管道项目, email the 缅因州AHEC网络 Pathways Coordinator, Christina Schechtman cschechtman@ourbabyplace.com.